Looking for a Language Exchange Partner

Practice English

14 Mar 2021 (UTC)
#0 Rae [NFJ0Jmc]
Gender / Age
Female / 25-29
Mandarin Chinese
Learning language
Learning area
Taichung[西澳](Taiwan), on the Internet
Hello, I am Rae come from Taiwan.
I would like to practice English with Line. If you want, I can help you to learn mandarin.
We can share our feelings or views about anything.
Let's learn languages without pressure:)
#1 Leslie [Fjh2RHM]
Hello, my name is Leslie. I'm a senior at Shih Chien University.
And I also want to find some friends to exchange language.
If you don't mind my nationality, we can chat together by Line.

This is my Line account:mini870316

Hope to hear from you:)
17 Mar 2021 (UTC)
Original poster(#0) reply here
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