Foreign Language Correction

Go to work in a state-owned business

10 Dec 2017 (UTC)
#0 和泉 [gXhhFTA]
Mainland China
Please revise my article.Thanks
Language to correct
Text to correct
To work in a state-owned business or to work in a joint venture——that have became a problem lying ahead of graduates.To a great extent,the choice will influence your life in the future.But it’s unavoidable.As for you,I will choose work in a state-owned business.
There are three reasons to justify my idea.First,to work in a state-owned business is more steady than in a joint venture.The economy of market is like a ocean,the small joint venture will be eliminated if the ocean produces huge waves.Second the environment can be adapted quickly to people who are the native,but in the joint venture you may not understand their the way of solving problems because of the different culture.Last but not least,you may be not able to get high salary but will have a lot of benefits in a state-owned business.
All in all, the different will produce the different outcome.Everyone need to think twice before you choose whether should be in astate-owned business or in a joint venture.Please cherish your choice in the uncertain life.
#1 [MZBhAJA]
I suggest you post this to "Hinative"
There are a lot of English native speakers could help you.
19 Dec 2017 (UTC)
#2 [MWFhlDQ]
Other than "Hinative", "interpals" and "lang-8" could also be your option.
19 Dec 2017 (UTC)
I would say the same.
If you're looking fornative English speakers to help improve your writing, this is NOT the best place to do that.
Come back later to check your own posts and find no reply, you might wonder why.
27 Feb 2018 (UTC)
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