
Gender / Age
Female / 20-24
Home country
Mainland China
Live in
Mainland China
Mandarin Chinese
喜欢摇滚乐,也欣赏流行乐、rap等多种音乐形式,最近喜欢的歌手是李宗盛和崔健。最喜欢的剧是How I Met Your Mother,正在看第三遍。最近喜欢的动漫是东京复仇者、咒术回战和文豪野犬。喜欢的书有哈利波特、百年孤独、红楼梦等,也会浏览一些网络文学。偶尔会写点小说,但仅限于娱乐,很喜欢构思小说情节,目前的梦想是抽空写一本网络小说。

I like rock music, pop music, rap and other music forms. The recent favorite singers are Li Zongsheng and Cui Jian. My favorite TV is How I Met Your Mother, I'm watching it for the third time. Recent favorite animes are 東京アベンジャーズ and 呪術の戦い. My favorite books are Harry Potter, 百年孤独, 红楼梦, etc. I will also browse some online literature. Occasionally I write some novels, but only for entertainment. I like to conceive the plot of the novel very much. My current dream is taking time to write an online novel.
Last updated 18 Apr 2022 (UTC)

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